2000 August 24 - 28, 2000 Solo Exhibition at the
Third Festival of Russian Art at the Festivals'
Palace in Cannes, France
1999 State Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia
1998 Gallery Dom Nashchokina, Moscow, Russia
Triumph Exhibition, Paris, France
After Exile
1997 United Nations Palace of Nations, Geneva,
1996 Gallery Dom Nashchokina, Moscow, Russia
Pushkin Museum of Fine Art, Moscow, Russia
1995 Jewish Museum, New York, NY, USA
Zimmerly Museum, NJ, USA
Gordona Loncar Fine Arts, PA, USA
1994 Embassy of the Russian Federation, Washington
Intern'l Festival of the Arts, NY, USA
La Quinta Sculpture Park, CA, USA
Exhibit 1022, CA, USA
1993 Russian Federation Mission to the United Nations,
New York, USA
Steven's Institute of Technology, NJ, USA
1992 Jewish Museum, Washington DC, USA
Le Monde De L'Art, Paris, France
Kunstverein Museum, Constance, West Germany
Embassy of the Russian Federation, Washington DC,
1991 Ergane Gallery, New York, USA
1990 Magna Galleries, New York and San Francisco, USA
1989 Nakhamkin Fine Arts, New York, USA
Magna Galleries, New York and San Francisco, USA
Connaught Brown Gallery, London, England
Galeris Clara Maria Sels, Dusseldorf, West Germany
1988 Sotheby's Auction to benefit American Kidney
Foundation, New York, USA
National Tour, Museums of Modern Art, New
Republic of China (Taiwan)
1987 Ulrich Museum of Art, Wichita, Kansas, USA
Eduard Nakhamkin Fine Art, New York, USA
1985 Magna Gallery, San Francisco, USA
Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, New York, USA
1984 Magna Gallery, San Francisco, USA
1979 Eduard Nakhamkin Fine Art, New York, USA
1978 Thielska Galleriet, Stockholm, Sweden
Lilla Galleriet,
Umea, Sweden
Menzoni Galleria D'Arte, Milan, Italy
Centro D'Arte Dolomiti, Cortina, Italy
Holst halvorsens Kunsthandes, Oslo, Norway
1977 Galerie Scheidegger, Zurich, Switzerland
Galleri Astley, Uttersberg, Sweden
Stadtisches Museum, Leverkusen, West Germany
In the USSR
1976 Stedelijik Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Kunstverein Museum, Constance, West Germany
Parkway Focus Gallery, London, England
1975 New York Cultural Center, New York, USA
Kunstlerhaus, Austria, Vienna
Braunschweize Kunstverein, Berlin, West Germany
Kunstamit Charlottengurg, Berlin, West Germany
1974 Bochum Museum, Bochum, West Germany
1972 Museum of Modern Art, Tel Aviv, Israel
1971 Galleria Anthea, Rome, Italy
1970 Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris,
Museo Belle Arti, Locarno, Italy
1969 Musee d'Art Moderne, Paris, France
Galleria d'a Barcaccia, Montecatini, Italy
Galleria Pananti, Florence, Italy
Gallery Astley,
Kopping, Sweden
1966 Museum of Modern Art, Vienna, Austria
Galerie Lambert, Paris, France
Sopot-Poznan', Poland
1965 Museum of Modern Art, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Grosvenor Gallery, London, England
Viola Gallery, Czechoslovakia
Palais des Expositions, Geneva, Switzerland
Capek Brothers Gallery, Prague, Czechoslovakia
1962 Moscow University, Moscow, USSR
Manege Exhibition Hall, Moscow, USSR
1961 Druzhba Club, Moscow, USSR
"The Nine" exhibition, Moscow, USSR
1958 Forty years of the Komsomol exhibition, Moscow,